Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Ground

To celebrate blogging where I have never blogged before (this is my seventh post of the year - a new record), a short question:

Why does skiing get two i's?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

At least it is a tie!

I have been a very infrequent blogger. I started in late 2004 and had 6 posts. For the entire year of 2005 I also had 6 posts. Now this post will make 6 for 2006. With a month left in the year, I may even break the tie. Just do not expect to much. Someday maybe I will even post as much as Justin Scott. Others of you will be easier to catch.

On other fronts, two great things about last week:
1. All my kids were home. Now that more are out than in, it is really good to get them all home for a few days.
2. I got to see the Tarpleys, Smiths, and McKinzies. Team Arequipa continues to draw closer to leaving for Peru. Keep them in your prayers.