I am worn down by the a culture that is consumed by consumerism. Buy this, get that, must have this. When Rachel was 3 our TV broke. When we decided not to replace it, she asked,"How am I going to know what to ask for at Christmas?" The message is even understood by 3 year-olds.
So today on my 49th birthday, I will tell you what I want for my birthday. But first what I do not want; no card or presents.
What I want is for you to do something for someone else. If you can do it anonymously that is even better. If it can be for someone who does not deserve it, that is great also. Give a helping hand, show mercy, reflect kindness, impart grace, and spread redemption. You might extend forgiveness, right a wrong, encourage, or wash someone's feet. Look someone in the eye, see the invisible people, talk to the outcast and extend a hand in fellowship. Share from what you have been given.
I would like to ask for world peace. However just do your part by changing one of the 6 billion hearts on our planet.
Song of the Day
Take to the World
Derek Webb
Dedicated to me (it is my BD) and anyone willing to make a difference.
Go in peace to love and to serve
Let your ears ring long with what you’ve heard
And may the bread on your tongue
Leave a trail of crumbs
To lead the hungry back to the place that you are from
And take to the world this love, hope and faith
Take to the world this rare, relentless grace
And like the three in one
Know you must become what you want to save
‘cause that’s still the way
He takes to the world
Go, and go far
Take light deep in the dark
Believe what’s true
He uses all, even you
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